sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Waterfall vulture

Environmental Protection State Park located between the municipalities of Piauí Esperantina and Battle, distant 180 km north of Teresina. The river Longá form the waterfall of the Vulture, which is named because changes in the level of the river, which decreases when the volume of water causes the fish become trapped in small ditches his bed. The king vulture, a species of condor of South America, is attracted by the offer of food, providing a different show with the arrival of these giant birds.
The spawning, which happens in April and May, is another show that can be admired from a runway and 400m long, which was construct on the waterfall.

Vulture The Waterfall is located in a State Park, Environmental Protection between the towns of Battle and Esperantina, 180 miles from Teresina, Piauí. The waterfalls that make up the waterfall, so named because in the course of the River Longá, fish that are trapped in rock formations that resemble miniaquários attract the king vulture, a species of condor of South America

The visits of the birds occur principalmenteno summer, between June and November when the river downtown. As a result, the fish do not become trapped in their tanks descended on rocky saw easier prey. The vulture-king, who did not have the abilities of species fishers, they know to expect water to be evaporated by the sun to go in search of food. The menu of these birds, fish such as catfish, catfish and piau are part of a banquet organized by nature. The most memorable scene is the flight of vultures, a spectacle in the waterfalls of Rio Longá originated.

The best thing is that visitors may have contact with the warm waters and bubbling. A walkway with concrete pillars and extending more than 300 metrosatravessa river. During the flood caused by rains from December to March, the water level rises so much that it forms a thin layer on the floor. The sound echoed through the water and mist are compelling. The more than 5000 meters you can hear the "thunder of the waterfall."

PROTECTION - The Ecological Park of the Waterfall of the Vulture is a place for environmental preservation. It is located less than 30 minutes from the Esperantina, about 25 km, and access is by asphalt road. The presence of visitors is allowed, but you have to have respect for the environment. Animals such as birds and rodents freqüentamo site, shows a wide variety of colors and shades of nature. At the edge of the city of Esperantinafica installed the supporting structure to tourists.

A large air conditioned lounge, covered with straw, it offers flavors of the land: fried fish, fish sauce, beans, sun-dried meat, fish sauce and tradicionalgalinha hick. All these delicacies seasoned with lots of pepper-the-ground. In Park Buzzard, is allowed only to recreational fishing, or for personal consumption. At the time of spawning season, from November to March, it is prohibited to fish, so the fish can reproduce. Many people go to the Waterfall of the Vulture attended a sort of "brotherhood" of surubins. The fish is one meter long and weighs over 20 pounds. Hook it is easy, it is difficult to get him out of the water.

The park's vegetation mix elementosdo cerrado, caatinga and palm carnauba palm. It is common to see side by side, a cactus, cactus typical of the interior and semi-arid, and a bud blossoming of the cerrado in color at the point of being pollinated. Walking along the banks of the long, rambling Waterfall Buzzard, you can find the legendary figures of the region, such as "jaguar eyes of fire" or "old man with the silver bell" apontandocaminhos to the treasure cave. But for that you must have faith, imagination and courage.

The park's vegetation mix elementosdo cerrado, caatinga and palm carnauba palm. It is common to see side by side, a cactus, cactus typical of the interior and semi-arid, and a bud blossoming of the cerrado in color at the point of being pollinated. Walking along the banks of the long, rambling Waterfall Buzzard, you can find the legendary figures of the region, such as "jaguar eyes of fire" or "old man with the silver bell" apontandocaminhos to the cave to the tesouro. But that it takes faith, imagination and courage.

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